The Power of the Subconscious Mind
How to operate well beyond your rational mind
Most people think their power comes from the front of the head; actually it comes from a much deeper part of their brain called the Subconscious. Cracking Great Leaders have learned to operate well beyond their rational mind. They have learned to trust their gut and their body. It often has intelligence way beyond that of the conscious mind.
The subconscious can be a powerful find or a powerful enemy; depending on how well you understand how it works.
The modules shows that the picture we hold in our subconscious mind drives our behaviours and success; or holds us back. Unleash this power in everyone.
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Why this is important
Cracking Great leaders know about 90% of what they do is done at a subconscious level. They operate well beyond their rational minds. They trust their intuition and gut-feelings. Other managers only develop their conscious mind. They assume that’s where their power comes from. It actually comes from their subconscious mind. They will never be more powerful than the mental pictures they have of themselves.
This module helps people operate beyond their rational mind.
Bruce Holland
Agenda for workshop
Norms of the day
How to set up the room
Working beyond the rational mind
FREE PREVIEWCulture is the subconscious of the organisation
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