Managing Your Manager
Many people feel disempowered because they look at their boss in the wrong way.
The purpose
The most important relationship in most people's career is the relationship they have with themselves. The second most important relationship for their career is the relationship they have with their boss. Managing their boss is important to their career. Ultimately their success and progression will not be between them and the company; it will be between them and the people who will promote and pay them. That group consists of more than just their boss. Their boss's boss and other senior managers may be watching. Their boss may report to a more senior executive. If their efforts are visible to that executive, helping their boss achieve in a way that her boss recognises might be their best strategy.
The way people see their relationship with their boss is vitally important. And most people see their boss in the wrong way and are disempowered by it.
This module shows how people and their boss can work together in a far more collaborative , and empowered relationship where both win.
Content includes
Why this is important
Bruce Holland
Agenda for workshop
Norms of the workshop
How to set up the room